1. Stop worrying about what others think: that’s an instant path to freedom.
2. Be sensitive; don’t judge. Take feed-back. But stay free; be your own mind.
3. Don’t 'dumb-down' your Life simply for the benefit of others.
4. Be your own personal version of amazing.
5. Man is free at the moment he wishes to be. Voltaire
6. Sort your finances: that’s a very simple path to freedom.
7. Save, then spend.
8. Put the 1 Euro coins/2 Dollar bills in a jar. Every twenty coins/notes: bank them.
9. Calculate and build your personal worth.
10. Use debt only as a strategy, not as an escape.
11. Wealth is intangibles such as health, too. Don’t lose them chasing the tangibles.
12. Consider: less stuff; more time.
13. Choose quality of Life over standard of living: that's a superb fast-track to real freedom.
14. No one can define the former for you; but you know exactly what it is for you. The latter-ironically-can shackle you more than you ever thought.
15. Most of the stuff you want is available to you now: it simply needs noticing.
16. Freedom is the oxygen of the soul. Moshe Dayan
17. Stop worrying: that’s true freedom.
18. There’s a lot of stuff you can’t control. Accept it; it’ll be OK.
19. You’ll never have enough time. Accept it and make better choices.
20. Change your perception: that's instant freedom. And available now to all humans.
21. Traffic jam or time to reflect?
22. Redundancy or chance to re-invent?
23. Biggest argument ever with your business partner or time to sort out the right strategy for the business?
24. Get organised: that gives freedom
21. Get a Moleskine. They come in pink, now. How can you resist?
22. Start a Master List. That's not a 'to do' list.
23. Read Matt and become a productivity guru.
24. Add one; drop one. You can do anything-but not everything.
25. Get out of the swamp on a regular basis. Climb the mountain. Or at least the hill: get some perspective.
26.Do less to achieve more.
27. In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved Franklin D Roosevolt
28. Start thinking: that’s awesome freedom
29. Question!
30. Ask?
31. Notice self-programming language.' I can't draw'...er hang in a minute. Can you put pencil to paper? Can you go to classes...
32. Don’t judge nor control: that’s freedom
33. Let him play his guitar: it’ll be OK.
34. Let her watch that crazy girlie TV programme: it’ll be OK.
35.Being a bit of a radical (oh go on: being a lot of a radical), that's freedom.
36. What's your legacy: last one out of the car park? I don't think so.
37. Following your passion: that’s freedom.
38. What gets you excited?
39. What gets you out of bed extra early?
40. What sparks your synapses?
41. Keep it simple: that’s freedom.
42. Do you really need it?
43. Empty the garage.
44. Empty the roof-space and/or cellar.
45. Tidy the desk.
46. Tidy the study.
47. Spotting the bull**it: that’s freedom.
48. Drop: 'I don't have time'
49. Drop any self labels such as 'I'm the sort of person..'
50. Having energy: that’s certainly freedom.
51. Sleep well. Walk well. Eat well. Be well.
52. We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms--to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. Victor Frankl
54. Feeling love: that’s the definitive all-time mind-blowing freedom.
55. Does he show you attention?
56. Does he encourage you?
57. Does he write to you?
58. Does he appreciate you?
59. He loves you.
60. 'And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make’ Lennon and McCartney.
61. A day without your Blackberry.
62. A walk with no 'time-frame'.
54. A beach. The girl with the smile.
55. No plan.
56. An art gallery and nobody urging you on to the next gallery.
57. As much Flan from Paul the French Baker as you can eat.
58. They are all freedom.
59. Knowledge, especially self: that sure is freedom.
60. That you are invincible.
63. That no one can stop you
64. Listen to Flogging Millar If I ever leave this world alive. Play it loud.
65. Listen. Really listen.
66. Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you. Jean Paul-Sartre.
67. Having fun: that's a whole lot of freedom
68. How much fun can you have without spending any money?
69. When did you last...kick a ball?
70. Paint?
71. Books: that's freedom in a portable format
72. The book-shop was quiet that Thursday morning and he was not initially aware of the other browser until the book fell from the shelf and he turned to help.
73. Their eyes met as he placed the book in her-they had to be-pianist’s hands.
74. He had never, ever looked so deeply into anyone’s eyes ever before.
75. As he spoke to her he was aware of her perfume, that she was standing close and that her hair had fallen down over one eye.
76. That she was sexy, thoughtful, courageous and-thank God-read books.
77. Was this true love?
78. And how about a coffee?
79. Music. Loud, quiet. Soft. Fast. That's freedom.
80.Your favourite band: live in concert.
81. That old vinyl: nothing sounds better.
82. Dancing. Wow. That's freedom.
83. Around the room.
84. Break
85. Country
86. Travel gives freedom.
87. Tour Eiffel;Premier Etage. Cliched, but fabulous.
88. Real coffee at Rome Station. Scusi! Un espresso, per favore!
89. You run your own business now: that's freedom.
90. You live and breathe excellence.
91. The Cirque de Soleil of your field. After all, why would you do it any other way?
92. No more fear.
93. More passion.
94. No more bull**it.
95. More action.
96. No more 'I'm trapped'
97. I am not a number; I am a free man.
98. A choice.
99. A decision.
100. Nanseconds away.
101.And in the end: the freedom you want is all around. Just decide to take it.