the competition
Keep building your difference, keep responding to your customers and keep anticipating thier needs. Don't build your strategy around the competition-their route may be incorrect even if it is giving them some short-term success.
their amazing CV
Anyone can build a great resume. But do they have great attitude? Do they have passion? These are not on a CV; you'll need to probe to find out.
the fact that you argue a lot
It doesn't necessarily mean the relationship (business or personal) isn't working. It simply means you need to invest a lot more yet into that relationship to find out whether it will.
the focus group saying NO
They would; they have little imagination. Follow your gut and launch the product in pink anyway.
the fact that you have hit a plateau in Spanish lessons
That's how people learn: growth; consolidation; growth; consolidation. You're consolidating at the moment.
his designer stubble and cool jacket
He may look creative, but is he creative enough for what you have in mind?