Once you have begun to find your own selction of favoured blogs, they are a joy to read. Each tends to have its own 'voice' which is reassuring and tends to deliver-reliably- what you are looking for. Rowan Manahan I love for the strong thread of lightheartedness (one definition of enlightened by the way, is the ability to lighten up) which runs through his posts; this was a crazy one! Michael Wade on the other hand I turn to for straight-talking, value for money perceptive thinking with the occassional rye twist. Or here for some original thinking; try this if you were getting a little jaded with how you select your iTunes playlist.
Set up a little BLOG playlist: a small sequence of favoured blogs which enlighten, amuse, put you back on the straight-and-narrow: there's a lot of very cool thinking out there.
Have a great week-end.