Whilst travelling last week I picked up four great books. I've given their amazon.com references as not all are out here in the UK yet.
I know a lot of people who were helped by Julia Cameron's early books, me included. Her latest-Finding Water-is as good as ever if you are looking for a structured, in-depth way to improve your creativity and remove blockers.
More fun is The Intellectual Devotional. Essentially, read a page a day and develop your brain. Monday is History, Tuesday is Literature, Wednesday the Arts, Thursday Science, Friday Music, Saturday Philosophy and Sunday Religion. It's good.
Then Change or Die tackes that ever tricky issue: we know we need to change, we want to change. But we don't . Much more primary research than usual. Very helpful.
And Hard Optimism is about positive thinking, but for those with a cynical bent and wanting a bit more hard evidence and some reasons for bothering to work at it. Nicely designed and layed out, too.
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