The story so far....see The Man Who Mistook His Laptop For His Life category.....
0600 Buzz.
His watch buzzed. One of the features of his days was a pre-set series of alarms on his runner’s watch. Alarm 1 was get up, alarm 2 he needed to be out of the house. All seven alarms were set for throughout the day: he liked that. Time to get going: he liked goals and schedules. He’d once done one of those time-management courses which showed he had many of the characteristics of industry leaders: clarity of thought, goal-setting and decision making. That was the good news of course. The down-side explained by the consultant running the work-shop was that he was extreme in all of them. 'Almost addictive' had been the interesting phrase.Still, he knew that in every job he had ever done he was appreciated as an achiever. Go, go, go. Rapidly shaving and dressing he was ready. ‘Dressing down’ was a great boon, although he knew in reality he wasn’t making the effort he ought to be for customers, his team nor himself. He grabbed his Blackberry, wallet and keys.
0615 Buzz.
To be continued. Next Monday at 3pm. In the meantime:
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